Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good News/Bad News

First the good news...Danny is moving back home on the 19th.  He has decided to come home to save money and concentrate on getting on the Fire Dept.  He'll be taking Fire Science classes at the local college here.  We're excited to have him back home.  

Now for the bad news...well it's really not that bad but Ed got hurt again at our race on Tuesday.  Nothing serious, just tweaked his knee.  The opposite knee that he had surgery on a few years ago.  But he's off work for at least a week.  We'll see how it feels after a week.   I already asked him the question you're all thinking and he said "Never". haha  


GMA Barb said...

Hey Sue......Yea that Danny is coming home and Boo that Ed is hurt again. Hope it isn 't serious and if we can do anything please call.

Lisa Rapier said...

Yea Danny!!!! we will enjoy seeing him more often.

ED!!!! you werent suposed to tweek your knee- but tweek chuck! I hope hes healing fast. I love you Ed=)

Crazy Kris said...

We are excited Danny is coming was so good to see him on Thanksgiving!!! Hope Ed is feeling better soon!!! Thanks for keeping us updated. Love and Miss you guys!!!

Danny said...

The Prodigal Son has returned.

