Hi family!
I love this blog! What a great way for us to all keep updated on each other's busy lives!
Law school is busy and rough. All of the students keep getting more and more haggard looking as the semester continues. We don't sleep very much, eat whatever we can get our hands on, and get a little more behind every passing day. But, that said, I'm having a wonderful time. My roommates are great girls, and my classmates are a bunch of the nicest, most diverse, funny people I have ever met. And, they do a fabulous job of documenting every non-law-school event we have, so I have tons of pictures which make it look like school is a little more fun than it actually is.
We play softball every Friday, and my team is the Bad News Barristers. There are about 10 teams in the league, we don't really keep score, and we're absolutely terrible -- but it doesn't matter. Softball is the highlight of my week. In the spring there is a law school bowling league, where we bowl at the ally on campus!
We had a small Halloween party at a classmate's house, and I attempted to be Ms. Hannigan from Annie. My costume ended up looking a lot more like Courtney Love, but it was fun to dance and play with classmates and not think about school at all. Except...my friend, David, was a nerd, and brought his Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (the hardest, driest, most boring class any law student has to take.) Here is a picture of the two of us with our favorite set of rules.
I've also had the opportunity to go to a number of events and meet California justices, including Supreme Court judges! I a member of the Feminist Board, and am part of a legal public interest fundraising team. One of my responsibilities on the Feminist Forum is setting up events where law students can meet women lawyers (still surprisingly rare) in Northern California to network and secure jobs for the summer and after graduation.
Here are a bunch a classmates and a professor at the Capital building last month. We met Davis Law Alumni and California legislators, and ate all the free food we could get our hands on!
OK, this posting is long enough! I just wanted to let you all know how I'm doing, and tell you that I LOVE YOU! Unfortunately I won't be able to come home for Thanksgiving. I have finals starting the next week and need to study, study, study.
The last final is on December 23rd, and I can't wait to see you all for Christmas!
Thanks for starting this blog, Aunt Debby! I can't wait to see (that means pictures!) how you're all doing. Congratulations to Mike and Nate and Lara!